
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Three Distinct Persons

Three distinct persons in complete unity
God the Father; His Son Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost
As one in celestial and eternal divinity
Stand supreme as the light of which we rely on the most

In the Bible, the Godhead can be so clearly seen
That even a small child can understand
As in the Baptism of Jesus Christ; we see all three
For Heavenly Father was heard and the Holy Ghost flew at hand!

Sometimes we may think a verse too easy
And look beyond the mark with blinders
Yet, all we'll find, is that God is appeasing
For then His light's hidden as our intellect hinders

Yet, little children in their disposition to learn
Have qualities pure, which opens bright doors
As they spiritually tune in to discern
And exercise faith through their love that pours

Elder Gerald Causse
Even a Child Can Understand
Ensign, May 2009, 32

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