
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

There is no infirmity, affliction, or adversity
That, in the garden, the Savior did not feel
Such that when I'm confused in uncertainty
The atonement saves me ever still

The Lord has said let not your heart be troubled
Neither let it be afraid
Such that I can confidently walk where I once stumbled
On a path that's safely paved

Yet, six destructive d's erode to destroy my faith
But I know I can avoid and o'ercome them
By carefully watching the things I think, do, and say
While ever drawing on the powers of heaven...

Along my way, I'll not get discouraged
To tremble full of doubt
For then I will lose focus and courage
As to commitments I'll not be about

Faith is a principle of action
That requires of me more than belief (or I'll have a lack of diligence)
Or I'll spiral lost in distraction
To disobedience and disbelief

My net usable faith is what I have left
After I subtract the sources of the destructive six d's
If the the answer's in the negative, then it's a debt (past feeling)
Caused by these harmful attitudes, habits, and tendencies

But if the answer is with faith clearly in favor
It is a gift from God above
Stemming from a pattern of consistent obedient behavior
And desire for what faith's made of

Desire, hope, and belief are my rising forms of faith
Which starts as but a particle
That spiritually synthesizes through my heart, might, mind, and strength
If I but apply obedience- its lighting principle

Kevin W. Pearson
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Ensign, May 2009, 38

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