
Monday, June 8, 2009

Prayer is the Bridge

"Prayer is the bridge
Over which we approach
Our Father in Heaven"
In good times and rough

It costs us nothing
To offer up prayer-
Only faithful effort
And a desire to share

Then from the other side
Each thing we utter is heard
As unto Him we confide
While He helps us form each word

The first three lines of the first stanza
are from 2007 Young women's conference
by Gordon B. Hinckley

"If you will take control of your lives, the future is filled with opportunity and gladness. You cannot afford to waste your talents or your time," he said in the meeting at the Conference Center.

President Hinckley also outlined four ways young women can ensure virtue is a staple in their lives: prayer, study, tithing and church attendance.

"Prayer is the bridge over which we approach our Father in heaven. It costs nothing. It requires only faith and effort," he said.

read the article,5143,660206152,00.html
by Erin Stewart Desert Morning News

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