
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Am Thankful For This Time

I am thankful for this time
Without responsibilities
That I might continually write
With extended abilities

While I've awaited a call
To set my life in motion
It's not been a burden at all
But a spiritual explosion

Yet, won't Thou help the phone ring
As I am but a stack of papers
I would to unpack my things
And get to know and love my neighbors

And of my ward I have left
I could have done things better
The times I didn't visit, I regret
For I could have at least sent a letter

I know I've not served the best
But, I always offered a smile
And, I kept the Sabbath day a rest
Especially that laundry pile

How much I loved to teach
And feel the spirit there
That through me light can reach
And enlighten someone somewhere

Ever humbly, I miss
A ward and a calling
Now, I anxiously twist
Because papers are still stalling

What more can I say or do?
Feeling helpless and all alone
Living in a place that is new...
I'll just pray, and write, and grow

Buying a house and renting a room
That I really only visit at night
And when it is dark, I stay inside
Because the bad roaches come into sight

67 days since we put an offer on the house....
but, who is counting?

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