
Sunday, June 21, 2009

For a drop off and Vacation

For a drop off and vacation
We loaded up our van
For our daughters education
We'd go to their college town

The vehicle stopped with a jerk
As we crossed the hot desert
Then into flames it burst
Thankfully... none were hurt

We'd grabbed what e'er we could
Then watched the flames which darted
Straight unto our salvaged goods
To finish what they had started

When the firemen arrived
Nothing of the van was left
But our smiles had survived
Because our faith had leapt

My recommend was unburned
And a violin was intact
Such that to the hymns we turned
Which amazed the firemen in fact

There on the scorched roadside
While offering up our hymns
The fireman did decide
"Why, these folks must be Mormon!"

Linda Rehart
Left with a Violin and a Hymnbook
Ensign, January 2009, 58

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