
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Faith to Ford the River

Raphael Mateo and his son
Eyed the rushing waters
As it was growing swollen
From the stormy showers

They were already drenched
From trudging the downpour
On a journey that was stretched
With a need to do but more

The water moved so swiftly
As the father stepped in first
And, almost, he was set adrift
When a hand thrust him from the worst

Now safely standing on the bank
He realized something grand
Twas not his son he must thank
But an unseen heavenly hand

He had crossed this river
Many times up to his chest
But this time his deliverer
Saved him unto rest

Could the sole good reason
He was safe with his son
Be because of his service
Which fulfilled a higher purpose?

When you are on an errand
That's been called for by the Lord
Have faith you are entitled
To His help there in to Ford

Yours may not be a river
Or a mighty rushing stream
But He will still deliver
If to Him you trust and lean

Faith to Ford the River
Adam C. Olson
Ensign, January 2009, 26

Psalms 18:16-17
He sent from above, he took me,
he drew me out of many waters.
He delivered me from my strong enemy.

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