
Friday, May 8, 2009

The Heavens Weep and Watch Keep

Know ye not that when we weep
God would that we pray
For His tears don't ever sleep
And His compassion, does not fray

Not only Him,
But the angels too
For we are loved by them
And they offer hope anew

In our loneliest of hours
Extremity teaches us
That there's comfort God showers
As we appreciate Jesus

Through the spirit, one sees
That times dark and troubled
Are well spent on our knees
For, then, we rise blessed and ennobled

Thus always we need
This sobering reminder:
That our Lord does lead
And the searcher is the finder

To each will come the call
To face times painful and deep
To know our Lord endured them all
And stands by us to watch keep

What love has been born for us!
That in God's plan, we may pass the test
As we learn to plead and trust
Unto eternal hope and rest

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Lessons of Liberty Jail
CES Fireside
Sept. 8, 2008

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