
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Come Let us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord

Come, let us oft go up
To the mountain of the Lord
There to find strength enough
To live as one favored

Come, let us oft wash clean
For those once upon the earth
And prepare them for a holy sheen
Unto covenants of eternal worth

Come, let us oft ponder
The beauty of purity
For therein we don't wander
From our path of surety

Come, let us praise virtue
And write our loyalty upon a banner
As on gold cloth, we commit to be true
And show all the Lord's high standards

Then let it wave beneath the clouds
And reminds us of our focus
That when immorality crowds
We can realign from what chokes us

Come let us find the road less traveled
With cairns placed along to find our way
On this path we'll not get lost or raveled
As they're placed to assure us lest we delay

Elaine S. Dalton
Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord
Ensign, May 2009,

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