
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We Pray to the Father in the Name of the Son

We pray to the Father in the name of the Son
For they are in purpose ever as one
As on earth, the Lord through intercessory prayers
Showed He ever mediates over mankind's affairs

We have received precious lessons
From the Lord concerning prayers
And within records of these sessions
We've a glimpse how much He cares

Picture in your mind
The Savior for you and me
Kneeling deep in prayer
With pleas for unity

We too can pray to be
Of one heart and one mind
With God and with family
And more, with all mankind

The Lord hears our simple prayers
Offered humbly and in faith
They need not be of excess share
But, of a necessary length

How is it best to enhance our prayers?
But, with the language befitting kings
As with Thee, Thy, and Thine we become heirs
Of all that the Atonement brings

How is it best to enhance each prayer?
But with the Gift of the Holy Ghost
For then we've the right words to share
And the assistance of a Heavenly host

How else can one enhance a prayer
But by showing humility through fasting
But let us give a caution here
We need not fast with eyes downward casting

As we counsel with the Lord we've strength and power
And, too, our wills become swallowed up with the Father
Such that we feel He is there in each crucial hour
As, too, we speak to God through the way that Christ does offer

Elder Russell M. Nelson
Lessons from the Lord's Prayers
Ensign, May 2009,

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