
Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Passover Lamb

To help Israel recall their deliverance
The priests sacrificed a first born...
And we've the sacrament for remembrance
That Christ suffered while our sins He bore

The Passover lambs for the coming year
Were inspected one by one for blemishes
And symbolically it has become clear
That the priests sought for faults in Jesus

For just like the lamb's blood over the door
Made it possible for death to pass by
Our partaking of the blood that did pour
Saves us for what otherwise our sins would deny

Our Savior, perfect in every way
Has ransomed us from death and hell
That we might enjoy that perfect day
Of resurrection and eternal swell

Let us come oft to remember
And take His name upon us anew
That we not spiritually slumber
But, be filled with His spirit too

Thoughts from reading:
Reflections on the Savior's Last Week
by Eric D. Huntsman
Ensign, April 2009, 52

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