
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jesus Rode a Donkey

Jesus rode a donkey
On that Palm Sunday
As a way to greet Him
They carpeted His way

With shouts of hosannah
They praised Him as a king
The promised Messiah
What freedom He would bring

Then, not understanding
They feared Him instead
Unto Caesar for handling
For they wished Him dead

From one thing to the next
People ever hunger
Whate'er the current text
They stop not to linger

But, the flame to each fades
Falling short to change
That to the next one trades
As priest crafts arrange

Yet, there is no secret
That there is but one way
Without which there is regret...
Ever, it is from hell, Christ does save

All wounds... He will heal
As well as banish strife
He is our Prince of Peace
Unto Eternal Life

Deiter F. Uchtdorf
The Way of the Disciple
Ensign, May 2009, 75

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast which always falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday. The feast commemorates an event mentioned by all four Canonical Gospels Mark 11:1-11, Matthew 21:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19: the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in the days before his Passion.

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