Friday, April 10, 2009
The Great Family of Believers
The great family of believers
Marched on with faith t’wards eternal life
On a journey as the achievers
They bore Christ’s name and reservoirs of light
As the path was uphill every day
Each shared the burden of the load
That with each step they made their way
Closer to their heav’nly abode
At first, each knew where to place their feet
And had confidence in the route
But, as they trekked on, some called out, retreat!
For, they’d began sinking in doubt
And with that one knelt to pray
For the guidance to know what to do
And to this one, he heard God say
“You know enough, to see you through”
He tucked this away for remembrance
For God does not oft speak to man
That when another faced a hindrance
A flood of confidence from God began
“I don’t even know if God loves me”
A young man stated, planning to leave
But, as sure as a forceful feeling can be
This leader was given to perceive
"God does love you, and you know it!” He said
And the young man started to cry
For he’d become overpowered by dread
He admitted in shame, he'd gone awry
Now, to each that this leader spoke to
Came the same spiritual power
That others were restored to hope too
And were saved in their difficult hour
But, one day, came the hardest test
They came to know of death and sorrow
Till one by one their souls came to rest
For they’d see their love in a distant morrow
As each knew enough, for they already knew
And were just in need of a reminder
They each became as a little child too
That the believer was also the finder...
Today, far up the mountain, they still travel
Moving step by step and line upon line
No longer confused and o'ercome to grovel
As they ever hold to God's powers divine
Elder Neil L. Andersen
You Know Enough
Ensign, November, 2008
show submission or fear
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