
Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Family- A Sanctuary From the World

When Jesus walked the dusty pathways
Near towns, villages, and Galilee
He spoke in parables ever and always
That we might understand and live happily

When we are tired, ill, or discouraged
There's comfort in being homeward bound
For there we are blessed and encouraged
As supportive family circles around

Nothing can take the place of our dear loved ones
When the atmosphere of peace and love prevails
Thus, when, to the superficial world, one succumbs
It's family that threatens to crumble and fail

May those who wander, not journey far
And soon miss that sense of belonging
It's through the home, we learn who we are
And sense love and an eternal longing

What can we do to bring heaven to our homes?
But, put Christ at the center of our learning
It's through a pattern of prayer that protection flows
And we find the legacy of love for which we are yearning

A Sanctuary from the World

Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting: Building Up a Righteous Posterity
February 9, 2008

President Thomas S. Monson
President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Margaret Thatcher, when she was prime minister of Great Britain, expressed this profound philosophy: “The family is the building block of society. It is a nursery, a school, a hospital, a leisure centre, a place of refuge and a place of rest. It encompasses the whole of the society. It fashions our beliefs; it is the preparation for the rest of our life.” In Nicholas Wood, “Thatcher Champions the Family,” The Times, May 26, 1988, 24.

The family is the building block of society
It is as a school to learn propriety
It is as a hospital, a leisure center
And, a place of refuge and rest for those who enter

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