
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remembering the Savior

What shall we always remember?
When, each Sabbath, we come to covenant anew?
What does it mean to be a member?
When we take the sacrament, what do we do?

If we ever seek to know the Lord's will
As He too sought the will of the Father
We'll have strength for His works to fulfill
Knowing whom we love, we obey, and we honor

We answer to Christ, as we daily strive
And experience thoughts, words, and actions
We'll ever have to answer to Him for our lives
As He's ransomed each debt and obligation

All that justice could demand of us for our sins
Jesus Christ has paid by His suffering and death
He offers the gift of forgiveness, with conditions...
When we are repentant, only then, does He pay the debt

We can look to the Savior for help. We need not fear
And as we look to Him, He Lights every thought, every deed
As His Atonement covers all the things we do here
He has the power to protect us and minister to each need

D. Todd Christofferson
Remembering the Savior
BYU Idaho Address
January 27, 2009

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