
Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Fog Encloses Unto Gloom

The fog encloses unto gloom
And soon's forgotten how earth blooms
The warmth of the stove dries the damp
As ever is burning the street lamp

What can lift the soul from darkness?
That takes control with starkness
Perhaps it's sounds of laughter and play
As children pay no mind to days of gray

Though their clothes and hair might get wet
They'd soon forget jackets if we'd let
They'd still want to go to the park
And ask to play beyond night's dark

Let us be more like the children
And not let the new day sleep
Let us find what warms us within
That joy might in us burn more deep

There is a light ever burning
In every living soul
It's bright when to Christ we're turning
May it shine bright as we Him extol

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