
Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Heart Has Broke

My heart has broke
Won't Thou come in
And heal me of
What lacks within

The words Thou spoke
I can still hear
Yet, I so want
More of what's dear

May I invoke
A special prayer
That new scriptures
Will be made bare

For the world does choke
In pride and doubt
May Thy words then bring
Excitement about

And once awoke
From passive faith
May all listen more
To do as Thou sayeth

Under an oak
A hidden box
Treasure that's hid
Under some rocks

Let's open the lid...
Not lifted but slid

And peak inside
What once was sealed
No longer does hide
But, is revealed

The words of ancient
Like unto a gift
State what's expected
That we might not drift

If it's not inspected
Good will be detected

The faithful are blessed
And rewarded thus
Those prone to doubt or jest
Find not hope nor of trust

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