
Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Sacrament's There

The sacrament's there
Let's sing and prepare
The words in the hymn
Speak of His emblems

The wine is the blood
That from Him did flood
As He bleed from each pore
While our sins pressed Him more

The bread is His body
Which was torn and bloody
As He was punished
Till He said, "It is finished"

His work was fulfilled
With a message instilled
That He did love us
And, in God, He did trust

Come eat and be fed
On Christ's living bread
Come humbly partake
And much more- sins forsake

Come and with Him- dine
On His holy wine
This drink typifies
Loving sacrifice

His Spirit is here
Be reverent and revere
Leave what's of the world
For the wisdom unfurled

There's joy in the heart
As each prayer does start
Meekly, we can hear it
And feel of His Spirit

We remember our Lord
Our Redeemer, adored
His word's in us live on
And, with Him, we belong

Come keep your promise!
This you'll not want to miss!
As we take on His name
And are never the same

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