
Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Had a Dream Long Ago

I had a dream
Long ago
Of what Id seen
I still know

There was a knock
On my door
"Come take a walk"
A voice implored

It was a man
Dressed in white
I took his hand
Into the night

Above the street
I saw a star
It made a streak
And burst afar

And then I too
Shot out of sight
In fact we flew
Into a light

I saw some scenes
Flash before me
My life and dreams
My memory

Could this be death?
I felt my face
I took a breath
My heart did race

I saw my son
Whom Id not seen
Since he was one
And so I leaned

My arm reached out
It was so real
I gave a shout
The sound was shrill

The baby smiled
He was so small
So still and mild
Then- not at all

The scene went blank
I was falling
And my heart sank
I stopped calling

Surely, Id die
When I landed
For the trip down
Id been stranded

Instead- a jerk
I was in bed
My eyes did perk
I was not dead!

For thirty years
Id not seen Jim...
Gone were my fears
Id forget Him

And now each night
Amidst my tears
That knock so light
I pray to hear

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