
Friday, July 11, 2008

We Are Daughters of Heavenly Father

We are daughters of Heavenly Father
And we offer Him our obedience
We've divine nature, as His daughters
Which is reflected in our countenance

We walk in virtue and understand
A chosen peculiar person has worth
Our dignity shows in how we stand
And we've retrenched to arise and shine forth

To be the worlds one bright shining hope
We have been called to be immovable
We've power, love and sound minds to cope
Combined, our strength is incalculable

You will find us standing on high ground
For we've drawn a line where we will not go
We have shown our line to all around
And hope for others to come see and know

We have our own style that protects us
As our time's not spent looking like the world
Our dress is modest and free from fuss
And, we're comfortable when our posture is curled

Our temple grounds are constantly groomed
To reflect the sacred spirit inside
And as daughters of God, how our light blooms
When we're good on the inside and outside

Elaine S. Dalton
Arize and Shine Forth
BYU Women's Conference 2004

retrench- to cut down, to reduce or diminish,
to curtail, or to economize
"Retrench in everything that is bad and worthless, and improve in everything that is good and beautiful"- Susa Young Gates, MIA, Deseret News, 1911

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