
Friday, May 30, 2008

Who Lurks Around the Corner?

Who lurks around the corner
Laughing at the pain?
When an addict falls again
And grieves at the shame

In disguise there is Satan
Putting thoughts within
For the addict must straighten
If he wants to win

At the end of a dark road
A man fights for freedom
As he struggles disheartened
Only Christ can free him

Yesterday's experience
Does not offer nor lend
Guarantees from a relapse
For we're at risk till the end

We may know inside the mind
What is best for our soul
But, it may take quite some time
For us to reach our high goal

Being where there is darkness
Is not the way to change
In light there is much progress
As wants change and rearrange

Say goodbye to what's awry
Take the road that's straightened
Lest slip ups come to test and try
Along what's dark or shaded

Elder Neal A. Maxwell wisely counseled,
“Even yesterday’s righteous experience
does not guarantee us against tomorrow’s
relapse. A few who have supernal spiritual
experiences have later fallen.
Hence, enduring well to the end assumes
real significance, and we are at risk
till the end!” (Ensign, July 1982,
“Thanks Be To God,” p.51)

Thoughts from reading
Backsliding into addiction
by Vickey Taylor
Meridian magazine

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