
Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Purest of Hearts

The purest of hearts
Is broken and bleeding
Where a kind thought starts
And soon they are feeding
Someone what they're needing

The weakest of hearts
Is weary and life worn
From stiffened pride darts
Which strike to rip and scorn
And in time they're left torn

The hardest of hearts
Is hard to understand
They're closed from past smarts
That sting like a fast hand
That's made a sound land

The softest of hearts
Is full of charity
They look for good charts
And see with clarity
They're of a rarity

Irregular hearts
Show bursts of energy
When a task imparts
They bounce to busily
As though a busy bee

Whatever we are
Christ has felt each heart beat
In joy and in scar
What an amazing feat
And, someday Him we'll meet

The hearts that are clean
He consoles with justice
There's joy that's far seen
When we look to Jesus
His love enlightens us

Jacob 3: 1-3
1 But behold, I, Jacob,
would speak unto you that are
pure in heart. Look unto God
with firmness of mind, and pray
unto him with exceeding faith,
and he will console you
in your afflictions,
and he will plead your cause,
and send down justice
upon those who seek your

Ps. 19: 8
8 The statutes of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart: the commandment
of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

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