
Friday, April 4, 2008

Shall We Not Go Forward?

Shall we not go forward?
With courage for this great cause
Or soon we may go backward
If we hesitate or pause

This day has been foreseen
Since the beginning of time
When others cave and concede
We will offer truths sublime

It's our turn to shoulder
And help in the glorious work
We must be brave and bolder
This is not the time to shirk

We're part of the in-crowd,
In the family of Christ.
In temples we've been endowed
Our covenants call us to rise

As we head all women
And move the cause of Zion
In the world, though we're not "in"
Let's show who we rely on!

What's our obligation?
Shall we be casual?
We can show our devotion
With our heart, soul and our all!

When hearts of men fail them
Violence knows no bounds
With children killing children
Satan controls and abounds

With Christ at the foremost
We avoid pride filled hearts
We may not be a grand provost
But, we'll have what God imparts.

Let's be optimistic
With a bright countenance,
With joy that's simplistic,
And not borne through endurance.

It is liberating
To want to do service
Although it is involving
We realize we've a purpose

We'll make mistakes, perhaps
What we really want we'll get
Shall we not serve, though we lapse,
Shall we go forward and not quit?

Sheri Dew

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