
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do You Hear the Voice of Gladness?

Do you hear the voice of gladness?
Which calls with mercy from heaven
To bring the latter days its fullness.
As dews of Carmel continually descends
God's knowledge in the last days, to us extends.

Our Savior's ancient apostles,
And Book of Mormon prophets,
With the archangel and the angels
Ushered in God's kingdom for our profit
Shall we not shout for joy at the thought of this?

They've brought and restored the priesthood
With the keys of the kingdom, to bind on earth.
For both the living and the dead's good
They've given this dispensation its birth
If not mankind would be smitten with a curse

The living can serve for the dead
And weld family links together.
From the babe to the household head,
The chain of names can extend forever
Bound on earth through proxied priesthood endeavor.

How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet that bring glad tidings.
Let rocks weep for joy and spring fountains!
The gospel truths have burst forth for our drinking.
And may all the earth break forth unto singing.

Doctrine and Covenants 128

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