
Saturday, March 15, 2008

We Look to the Apostles

We look to the Apostles,
For a witness of Christ.
Then we stand as disciples
And we too testify.
At all times, things and places,
We show our commitment.
And faith shines on our faces
With love and contentment.

Today, what is sufficient?
What can we rejoice in?
Though we've disappointment
and trials of death and sin?
We know what source to look to,
For our eternal rest.
As we testify anew,
Warmth grows within our breast.

Now, as we anticipate
The coming of our Lord.
We can prepare for that date.
With words angels record
All testimonies- they hear!
And, too, rejoice o'er us.
What we hold in us is dear.
There's light in our witness.

But, what of those who've died?
And, not made ordinance?
What to them can be applied?
Who've not received a chance?
We have a holy temple
Where their work we can do.
There, we set an example,
Our light is for them too!

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