
Monday, March 10, 2008

A Season of Peace, A Season of War

A season of peace, a season of war.
We look for the day of death no more.
The scriptures are conferred from son to son,
With words verified by each new one.

When righteous, they are spared and don't perish.
Writes Omni, Amaron and Chemish.
So, too, Abinadom; then Amaleki-
Who writes how they left the land of Nephi.

Those who hearkened to the voice of the lord.
Traveled in the wilderness and made record.
They discovered those that had crossed the waters.
From the Holy Lands- Just like their fathers.

Their language had been lost, they without plates?
Thus, they could not read that of ancient dates.
Twas a recording of the Jaredites!
Who'd crossed the seas with ships closed and tight.

With stones Mosiah read the engravings,
And wrote names from their last man's savings.
How did these ancient people die away?
Could it be they sinned and forgot to pray?

When the day did come that Mosiah was dead.
His son, Benjamen reigned in his stead.
Then Amaleki, aged without a son.
Gave the plates to this King Benjamen.

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