
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Precious Words From Jacob (Part 2)

Precious words from Jacob
Were treasured for the least.
Those that are pure in heart
Lift up your head and feast.
Look unto God with firmness
Of your cause, He will plead.

He is aware of you-
The wives and the children
He knows that you have lost
Confidence in your men.
More so to God show your faith
And put your trust in Him!

Since Lehi, the brethren
Have known the commandments.
There is condemnation
That will bring great laments.
If the brethren don't repent
They will know consequence.

The lamanites, though cursed
love their wives and children.
To those of the covenant,
Much more is expected.
The brethren must shake themselves
Or know a second death.

Jacob wanted to console
Each tender broken heart.
But, his task and his role
Was to remind men of their part.
For one falter can cause
generations to depart.

Jacob 3

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