
Friday, February 29, 2008

Precious Words From Jacob

Precious words from Jacob
Were treasured then revealed.
The men of his people
Were in the spacious field.
Bound to clouded doctrines.
Indulging as they reeled.

Nephite men had hardened,
Desiring second wives.
For their gold and silver
soon lifted up their pride.
They forgot their covenants,
And greed was in their eyes.

For the wives and children
With tender wounded souls,
The men must set aside
Searching for wives and gold.
Jacob called them to repent.
His warnings were so bold:

God sees and hears wive's cries
Caused by the sins you do.
The sobbings of their hearts
Ascend to God against you.
Repent, lest His piercing eye
Does send daggers to dust you.

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