
Friday, March 28, 2008

Poems based on Elder McConkie's talks

A New Commandment, Save Thyself and Thy Kindred

Save thyself and thy kindred
There's redemption for the dead
We have two visions of salvation
To the Latter-Days there's revelation

Brother Joseph's vision adds to us light
They which are baptized, though dead, do rise
And, President Joseph F. Smith saw much too
He saw the innumerable dead and we've work to do

They've gospel truths which otherwise aren't found
They've come by way of commandment and we are bound
God's streams of living waters do and yet flow
Giving us the light and knowledge we need to know

From these two visions we must acknowledge
We have received further light and knowledge
His voice is still heard, His words are without end
The gospel has taught us how to save our kindred

The Caravan Moves On

Do I worship God who created earth and space?
Do I put Him first as He fills my life with grace?
Do I think on Him? Is His countenance on my face?
As His disciple, will I pass the test?
Humbling serving Him, have I done my best?

The Lord's Caravan moves with captains all in place.
Though there are vicious dogs that snap at the heels to chase.
His caravan grows, and moves at its appointed pace.
The Church will triumph. Though there are predators.
Lurking to confuse weary travelers.

Am I enduring? This is the life that I craved!
With fear and trembling, only valiant Saints are saved.
With God's attributes, I will keep on the path Christ paved,
There are ravines to cross and steep grades to climb.
His oxen are strong, His teamsters are wise.

Although hell does rage and some try us and defame.
Prophet Joseph Smith- I will honor his good name.
Powers and priesthood and seers for the latter-day.
Though the storms may rage, Caravan move on.
Floods may wash the bridge. Such is life. Move on.

Have I kept the faith? Have I tried with all my might?
Do I spend my days with love of life, full of light?
Do I please my God? Serving purposely day and night?
We've much more to go- rivers we must ford,
To a celestial place, resting with our Lord.

The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory


We stand today on a mountain peak
Humbled for there is so much more to seek
In the midst of the mountains of Israel
The long vast panavision found is surreal

To gain this height we have climbed up switches
Past forests of evil where sin's grime stretches
Past canyons, cliffs, and crags where some plummet
Yet, we've struggled and reached this high summit

Along the way as we've upwards climbed
Past roaring rivers of hate and crime
As we trudge forward, sharp rocks cut our feet
We are leery of jackals there to meet

We saw the lion's lair and serpents coiled on ledges
And something lurking low in the brush along the dark edges
Yet, far in the distance... hid in the clouds
A morning mist exists and on Mt. Zion enshrouds


This Mount is the grandest peak of all
Where Heavenly angels beckon and call
Here are assembled the church of the first born
And...looking back we see their trails they have worn

Yet, still... the view is glorious indeed
We can hear praise for their every deed
As Angel Moroni flies high in the midst
From his trump, lo- here his strength to enlist

While angelic ministrants come with keys
What is rolling forth to fill the earth with peace?
A little stone that's been cut without hands
Shorn from where the Lord's house gloriously stands

As the stone breaks up earthly kingdom's damage
It gains strength to smite the Babylonian image
Then, hear the Elders cry unto these nations:
"Repent and assemble where one now stations!"

We see stakes and temples dotting the ground
Where gifts, signs, and miracles light and abound
As the sick are healed and dead are raised
While the power of God, in song is praised

Amidst this is toil and sorrow and test
From which we abide covenants the best
God's elect here are strengthened, schooled, and bred
While murderers try their blood to shed

We see Nauvoo in flames by those depraved
We see snow, bitter cold, death, and graves
With a new leader t'wards their promised land
"All is Well," is sung, as in strength they band

Here, they lay all they have on the alter
Proven and driven their faith cannot falter
Then with a new prophet, they show they're not weak
As towards Mt. Zion, these trails they did seek

As our eyes watch all that lies here below
We rejoice that there is so much more to know
With such joy, how we anticipate tomorrow
Though we too may face suffering and sorrow

For we know we too will face great perils
As we're tested with our own severe trials
May our shoes be off, when there we're found
As though we stand upon holy ground

There to ponder and count the great blessings
Of following the pioneers and their old treadings
Crest upon crest on their charted course
We are hit with emotions full force

As what we can see causes us to rejoice
For those with clean hands and pure hearts are choice
What we can see causes to tremble
As we weep for those who's faith dimmed and crumbled

We see wars and plagues coming to cover earth's kingdoms
As the wayward and worldly abuse God given freedoms
While some in the church drop down to this pattern
And fall by the wayside all bruised up and tattered

But, the Lord's caravan must roll ever forward
To all the nations it must move toward
Our missionary's must give strong utterance
Till Ishmael's tribes have found their inheritance

As the stone breaks down all the barriers
We will not stop a while nor tarry here
For we see saints of the most high worshipping
In Moscow, Saigon and in Peking

In Egypt, India, and Africa
As contrails burst from America
We see Saints of God all the world over
Standing with lights and guides, that empower

Helping God's kingdom become triumphant
While our children take a virtuous stand
Crowned with God's power, defending truth
We see great wisdom of those still in youth

This vision is not all sweetness, peace, and light
There's greater evils, than at any time
As the Saints prepare to meet their God
Sinking depravity rides hard shod

Hearts become heavy with forebodings
While liars, thieves, and murderers connive... goading
With blood, death, and carnage found everywhere
Mankind's hearts are finding it hard to care

Adulterers, fornicators, and homosexuals
Take the place of families as modern usuals
There to glorify all that is lewd and base
As the work of the Lord rolls on more in haste

While Satan reigns in the hearts of men
He'll show his power with Gadiantons
They'll fill the judgment seats of all the nations
They'll overthrow freedoms with seductive sedition

Amidst it all there are revelations
There are prophecies and more- there are visions
There are gifts, signs, and marvellous miracles
As the works of the Spirit of God more fulfills

Amid this believing souls are born again
Preparing for God, there to dwell with Him
Is it any wonder that we rejoice?
Amid commotion there's a still small voice

The ungodly will be swept out from the church
As the little stone fills more of the whole earth
Then God's house of Zion will be found unmoved
Amidst great trembling, the Mt. is best proved

Ahead of us lies what's dark, dreary, and dreadful
And upon each issue we must be careful
The blood of the martyrs will poor again
As though doors in Carthage enclose to end

We must heed the Prophet and his Apostles
And allow their words to penetrate our auricles
As whether in life or death, we will soon see
Our blessed Lord return in all His Glory

Those blessed will see New Jerusalem coming down
To join the Holy City we have built sound
There we'll mingle with Enoch's pure city
While we worship and serve the Lord in vicinity

New Jerusalem
From peak to peak, hear the echoing soft strains?
Glory to the Lord our God, in song it acclaims
For much comes to the ears of those who are meek
There to hold dear to the heart things unlawful to speak

From peak to peak the echoing strains acclaim:
Glory and honor unto the Lord our God.
Let heaven and earth acclaim his name,
For he hath wrought wondrous works near and abroad.

Sing unto him, for he sendeth his angel
And restoreth his pure word in these latter days
He who calleth truth and raineth from heaven
Blessed be his great and righteous ways

He restoreth the kingdom to Israel;
And gathereth his elect from all nations;
He inviteth the Gentiles to join with his people.
For he cometh to reign gloriously where man stations.

He cometh with fire, and the wicked are stubble.
He cometh with loving kindness,
And his redeemed will inherit the earth.
To live as Zion, praising the highest.

Sing unto him for his wondrous works.
Blessed be his great and holy name.
All glory to the Lord our King.
As his words to our hearts echo and remain.

We hear things not lawful to utter;
Which cometh to us for our witness
That He who called his ancient people,
Guideth and preserveth now in peace and rest

Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign 1980
"The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory

The More I Repent, The More I Know

The more I repent, the more I know
That to become clean is a gift
As blessings from the Lord soon show
And help me that I not drift

Every day and every hour
Is not too high a price to pay
For the devil would to me devour
As he tempts me into harms way

Thoughts from Bruce R. McConkie's
quote pg. 61 in
Addiction Recovery Program

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