
Friday, March 28, 2008

A New Commandment, Save Thyself and Thy Kindred

Save thyself and thy kindred
There's redemption for the dead
We have two visions of salvation
To the Latter-Days there's revelation

Brother Joseph's vision adds to us light
They which are baptized, though dead, do rise
And, President Joseph F. Smith saw much too
He saw the innumerable dead and we've work to do

They've gospel truths which otherwise aren't found
They've come by way of commandment and we are bound
God's streams of living waters do and yet flow
Giving us the light and knowledge we need to know

From these two visions we must acknowledge
We have received further light and knowledge
His voice is still heard, His words are without end
The gospel has taught us how to save our kindred

-Bruce R. McConkie
A New Commandment: Save Thyself and Thy Kindred!,
Ensign, Aug 1976, 7

Corinthians 15:29
Else what shall they do which are baptized
for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
why are they then baptized for the dead?

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