
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

King Benjamen

For the last words their king should speak,
They looked up to the tower's peak.
He spoke of God, who lends us breath,
To whom we are so much in debt.
Of what he taught during his reign,
He'd asked himself to do the same:
From holy temple sacrifice
To giving service without price.
This king showed much humility.
Speaking strong in fragility.

This aged man's frame was trembling.
Yet, he'd called all for assembling.
What did he want them most to do?
Serve their Heavenly King and man, too.
What are we that we should boast?
For that withdraws the Holy Ghost.
Of the dust, we are created
And remain ever indebted.
He rid his garments of their blood,
So angels' choirs may round him flood.

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