
Thursday, March 6, 2008


Whate'er we've done- It's not unique to man.
And we have Christ to lead us by the hand.
It's Satan who planned that we take a shortcut.
Our Lord helps us be strong when we're in a rut.

Though one's pregnant with a face that's red.
There can be sweet peace, although unwed.
The Lord can guide and place that small infant.
To a new home... where will it best be sent?

Though one may need to have an AIDS test,
There can be peace, with the soul at rest.
Though one may be sent to an early grave,
The Lord is ready and mighty to save.

What have we stolen? What is really ours?
Life's not a time for if, but, mine or yours.
What lasts for happiness? Our possessions?
From the Lord, we get peace through our confessions!

If we've killed someone, then what of that?
Who, but the Lord, can judge where we're at?
Who speaks in His name, with authority?
A Prophet, who serves us most willingly.

Our life is our school, let's help each other learn.
What should we do? Our Lord helps us discern.
We are here with our free agency.
And, our Lord will help us- with our best to be.

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