
Friday, January 18, 2008

Where Do I Make My Stand?

In an increasingly unjust world,
Is there a message of hope at hand?
When there is turmoil and all is swirled,
Unequivocally faithful we'll stand.

We can find joy no matter what may come.
When innocent suffer with great pain,
Is trust unshaken, do we succumb?
We hold to what's sacred, and don't blame.

When our prayers aren't answered as we'd wish.
And those deep in sin have all they need.
We will not of them judge or banish.
The Lord is separating the chaff from wheat.

The pure love of Christ is our motive.
We've come to earth to prove we're loyal.
With full trust in the Lord, we must live.
Until death and glory crowns us royal.

When we've been dealt blows that crush and grind.
Some become hardened, past feeling.
While others are softened to refining.
And are blessed with a spiritual healing.

Each of us needs a storehouse of faith.
To rise above all the troubles that surround.
Here we can draw from the well for strength.
Where we'll replenish faith and feel sound.

We need to be tried for constancy.
So where should each of us make our stand?
We can exercise moral agency.
To find joy everlasting and grand.

-President Faust

18–21, James E. Faust, Nov 2004,
“Where Do I Make My Stand, ” Liahona

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