
Friday, January 18, 2008

On a Journey Far

Book of Mormon-
On a journey far,
We have come to embark.
On high cliffs we will smelt
Where there is much to melt.
For a ship that is tight,
Must be built just right.

Old Testament-
From the mountain peaks,
Prophet Moses speaks.
When a prophet prays.
We are taught God's ways.
I must keep them, too.
The Lord commands anew.

New Testament-
In the waters deep
My feet gently keep.
As the Savior stays
The high and rising waves.
Only look to Him,
Or you will need to swim.

Book of Mormon-
To the misty dark-
There is not a spark.
Grab the golden rod,
To the love of God.
Watch! Hear those mocking calls?
Hold! There one slips and falls.

Old Testament-
In the desert dry
My mouth utters cries.
And, my Savior leads.
For, He knows of my needs.
Gather manna first.
Look to Him as you thirst.

New Testament-
On a prepared path,
His seeds, I will cast.
If our hearts will grant.
Out will rise a plant.
Tend it. Watch it grow.
Let the waters flow.

Book of Mormon-
In a vineyard tall
The Lord tends but all.
The grafts will reroute.
Then he digs about.
He feeds to the root.
To yield the best fruit.

Old Testament-
In the wilderness,
We were neediest.
And for forty years.
We cried many tears.
Covenants I must keep.
Look first, and then leap.

New Testament-

In the pastures sweet
Lie the wand'ring sheep.
Here the Shepherd came
He called each by name.
Here are the ninety nine.
He has one more to find.

Book of Mormon-
From Moroni's hand.
We have counsel grand.
He saw our day.
There's pride in our way.
His Words have been kept.
So we are not left bereft.

Old Testament-
Promise, the Jews found.
Upon holy ground.
For their sacrifice
Which lamb would suffice?
The best of the lot.
A first without spot.

New Testament-
As the wedding nears,
A new sign appears.
Each must carry oil,
For the marriage royal.
Watch and prepare much.
With light within your clutch.

You cannot read from one
Without pouring into the other
See what the Lord has done
And love one another....

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