
Friday, January 18, 2008


We set aside, knowing we'll be blessed.
With faith, we let the Lord do the rest.
And we are filled with peace, when someday there's despair.
Now is our time to prepare.
Blessings come as we obey.
We learn a debt of gratitude as we pray
For self-reliance-in His name.

We put God first, by paying tithing.
We're grateful that our faith is rising.
We're building protection from what may be tempting.
Without the Lord we're empty.
(With the Lord first we've plenty)
Blessings come as we obey.
And with a debt of gratitude we do pay.
To Him who insures our way.

Compassion lies within each of us.
To those with less we're generous.
With things we can afford, or with things we have stored.
These are as gifts from the Lord.
Blessings come as we obey.
And with a debt of gratitude we can share.
For Him, we give and show we care.

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