
Friday, January 18, 2008


We have axioms to guide our lives
To drive agency and to make us wise
When there's debris that is in our way
Do we plow ahead or do we pray?

We know Heavenly Father assists us
As we show trust, it was ever thus
And, the light of faith helps us move forward
With eyes on Christ, whom we lean toward

Christ said, “I would thou wert cold or hot”
I'll show gratitude that for us He fought
I will move with determination
And, I'll be like Jesus when there's friction

A sparks can cause a large fire
Yet, my loyalty will not tire
I'll see the good and not criticize
I'll see enemies through Christ-like eyes

Do I rely on the natural man?
God is my strength, I'll confess His hand
I will ponder and learn from mistakes
And, I'll improve, do whatever it takes

I have entered to finish the race
I'll keep covenants for victories embrace
I will look ahead, take the long view
I will be patient, in all I do

We have agency to use for good
And, I regret when I don't pray as I should
We can study and know what is right
Then we'll not regret what's in hind sight

The world is moving farther away
I'll be a light on the hill, today
As some come through great darkness to see
The distance increases further to be.

This earth time's our university
We've temporal gains under gravity
Do my long lost friends remember me?
Of my morals, just what did they see?

Did they see in me what I believe?
Have I learned, before this earth I leave
Temple’s eternal curriculum?
Oh, how earth teaches from a pendulum

- Elder Hales

34–39, Feb 2007, Robert D. Hales,
“Ten Axioms to Guide Your Life, ” Liahona

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