
Friday, January 18, 2008

We are the Freedom Fighters

To find North, South, East and West
I face the true star of the north
And feel lined up with the earth
To salute the flag thus forth

Then, its stripes flow from East to West
As does the sun, from the right
Ever our laws were given to bless
Founded upon truth and light

Three colors... what do they mean?
Our flag of red, white, and blue
Red...for the blood that's coursing
Courageously, for me and you

Brothers in arms let us prove
We are white with integrity
Patriots- trained as one to move
Uniformed with dignity

Under skies of blue, united
With vows to protect liberty
Once immigrants, now ignited
With purpose and charity

My hand knows its place upon my heart
Here gratitude does flow
To search beyond the stars
And humbly submit and know

To form religious rebirth
And pursue a righteous kingdom
Onto our corner of the earth
Pioneers came seeking wisdom

Representing all the earth
We've a responsibility
To serve each fellow man
To the best of our ability

Let's recruit more freedom fighters
So that together we might stand
In the belief that the righteous prosper
As we troop and lend a hand

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