
Friday, January 18, 2008

Building an Eternal Home

The home is the basis of a righteous life
As such no other instrumentality can take its place
A home is founded by love, respect and sacrifice
Where our thoughts and deeds, and how we live, can build a founding base
Our homes can withstand the rains of adversity
Because the home has promise when built for eternity

A home is a house of order and of prayer
If divided against itself how can it stand?
A house of order can be a bit of heaven here
For then it is built by the wise upon the rock and not the sand
Where one can withstand the floods of opposition
There to improve our dispositions

We must learn our duty and act with diligence
The service we perform can have eternal consequence!
We cannot afford to skip our heavenly assistance
With prayer we must step up to serve with more obedience
For families can withstand the turbulent winds of doubt
There to be of service as each daily go about

- Thomas S. Monson

2, Oct 1999, Thomas S. Monson,
“Building Your Eternal Home, ” Ensign

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