
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Power to Change

Are there tears in me
For who I want to be?
Humbly in meek prayer,
I'll extend all energy.
With God's help I can abstain.
A new life I can obtain.
I will hold to the rod,
With my life close to God
Through His narrow paths I will trod.

Can these tears of mine
Cleanse all my soul and mind?
With the Spirit's help,
I'm Christ-like, with sins denied.
There's promise in Mormon's book,
The Spirit won't overlook.
I'll read it each new day.
And, hear what God does say.
Clean and brand new, for this I pray.

I've a new mission.
I have been commissioned.
I'll tell of God's love.
I will Help someone gain vision.
Through tear-filled eyes they can find
Their old sins are left behind.
I once was as a weed.
I now can plant His seeds.
With pure thoughts, I'll have nobler deeds.

-President Faust

122–24, James E. Faust, Nov 2007,
“The Power to Change, ” Liahona

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