
Friday, January 18, 2008

Pornography- A Tragic Evil Among Us

A raging storm increases
To destroy what’s beautiful
And the pain it unleashes
Is truly unmerciful

It leaves a visual impact-
A nasty deep impression
And shakes up what was intact
To leave us with depression
(Please turn from this digression)

What is this evil master?
That violates and betrays?
That leads souls to disaster?
A stranglehold that degrades!

All involved are a victim
As bodies are exploited
And no one can out wit them
When to their sin they are pointed

With false concepts, minds are warped
And it’s impossible to break
As love for others becomes dwarfed
It’s time for you to awake
(If you were caught - oh, how you’d shake)

To those who’ve taken this trip
Who have become so enslaved
It’s time to break the vise grip
And confess how you’ve behaved

May you have courage to seek
The counsel for addiction
It is time to become meek
It's time to clear the friction

You’ve defiled your own soul
Let virtue be your garnish
And,repentance be your goal
May you polish away the tarnish
(There are new habits to establish)

- President Hinckley

59–62, Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov 2004,
“A Tragic Evil among Us, ” Liahona

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