
Friday, January 18, 2008

An Ensign to the Nations

We’re His ensign to the nations,
To light wherever man stations.
We are all in this together,
As with the Lord we endeavor.
We’re working as one in this cause.
And, there is time for us to pause-
To ask the Lord whose work this is
For sufficient light which is His.

There’s never reason to despair.
The Lord thy God is always there.
His work will always go forward.
This is our time to press onward.
The Lord is a living fountain
And His house is on the mountain.
Here, on His path the righteous stay.
He will teach us along the way.

We cannot shrink nor turn aside.
We’ve a mandate we must abide.
There are forces all around us.
We can flee from what is boistrous.
Regardless of the circumstance
We will not soften our stance.
With our eyes on truth's objective-
Of goals we will be protective.

With the whole armor of our Lord
We will stand firm with one accord.
Be strong in the lord in His fight-
True to what we know to be right.
We do not wrestle flesh and blood
But against darkness' rampant flood.
There’s much out there that’s seductive,
But we’ll stay clean and productive.

There is what is sleazy and uncouth.
The tawdry rich seek for our youth,
Life is better than they portray,
They seek your soul and then betray,
They grow rich from high admission,
And for salacious exhibition.
What a waste of time and money,
Though the sin-drunk think it's funny.

The mountain’s full of God’s forces-
Chariots of fire and horses.
Open your eyes and you may see
Legions of angels, God’s army.
God will bless and magnify you,
If you do what you’ve been taught to.
Those with us are more than with them.
We can pray when there’s a problem.

Fear not little flock and be good
And pray for sound minds, as you should
Doubt not, fear not, you will not fail.
Those built upon a rock will prevail!

D&C 6:34

-President Hinckley

51, Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov 1989,
“An Ensign to the Nations, ” Ensign

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