
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Poems based on Elder Nelson's talks

In A Day That's Lacking Restraint

In a day that's lacking in restraint
We need to be wholesome and quaint
The Master has called out, “repent”
To proclaim this- prophets were sent
We can be washed and found worthy
We can have hope on our journey
Spread the news to all upon the land
The Kingdom of God is now at hand
We can change and come unto Christ
Thus avoiding a sad tragic life
The prize of joy is worth the price
For those who are swamped much in sin
The gospel life helps us change from within

What does it mean to repent?
Does it mean we feel some regret?
Our sorrow must be so sincere
Each patient step must include prayer
The first step is recognition
Then there's remorse unto confession
We confess to all those we offend
Though we're sincere, this in not the end
The next step is restitution
We can restore without spite's friction
We'll show faith to this fruition
For all those who are swamped much in sin
The gospel life brings a change from within

When Jesus said we must repent
With soul and mind is what He meant
To not repeat, He said there's more
For we've eternal life in store
We're asked to change even our breath
Thus avoiding a spiritual death
When we repent we are converted
Our whole being is then diverted
We repent in thought and in deed
The fruit of repentance is so sweet!
With the love of God as our treat
For all those who are swamped much in sin
The gospel life builds us from deep within

Repentance and Conversion - Russell M. Nelson

Jesus Christ the Master Healer

Why did the Savior suffer for me?
He must know and love me so deeply!
My debt to Him is incalculably great
He took away the world's sins, even hate!
What power was His to carry the load?
He lifts all up to a heav'nly abode

When I've sore trials that I must bear
I'll deepen my faith and show I care
I know He can heal wounds and broken hearts
That peace and comfort, His Spirit imparts
His gift to each can't be destroyed by death
He grants unto all, His living breath

The Master Healer in perfect frame
Gives resurrection to those once lame
Am I not also in need of healing?
Thanks to Him, I am not past feeling
Thanks to Him, there are bright days ahead
As He heals me, with the water and bread

-Elder Russell M. Nelson-
Jesus suffered deeply, because He loves us deeply!

Faith in Jesus Christ

The genesis of a human body
Begins with the union of just two cells
Twenty- three chromosomes from each unite
What this child will look like, this cell fortells

Twenty- two days later, heart beats are heard
In four more days blood's in circulation
As cells multiply and divide away
Into an amazing creation

From electricity, the heart works hard
Delicate valves open and close in pace
Soon form the eyes to see and ears to hear
As the nerves and muscles grow in their place

The body is made with back-up systems
Tools for resistance are generated
The bones can mend, skin can heal, and leaks can seal
As fixed temperatures are regulated

Unto every kingdom is given a law
And every law has bounds and conditions
This scientists can measure and define
Laws apply to all of God's creations

The phase of the moon, the stars in the sky-
Their courses are fixed to heaven and earth
Such order bears witness of majesty
In seven days, God formed law and all birth

The scriptures declare of our beginning
Each man's been organized in God's image
The male and female, created He them
For us laws were formed, to the very edge

Dynamic faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
Lend to our minds a new way of thinking
Works form a conversion and change of heart
That cannot come from eating and drinking

We're made alive in Christ, because of faith
And of Him we're spiritually begotten
There's strength to press forward with steadfastness
Feeling the love of God unto all men

With the Book of Mormon and the Bible
We've scriptures in each hand and we promise
With full purpose of heart, we preach of Christ
And show through faith and our works, we are His

I testify that Jesus is the Christ
As Son of the Living Father
He is our Savior and our Advocate
He has laws to obey, one with another

-Russell M. Nelson, “Faith in Jesus Christ,”
Liahona, Mar 2008, 24–30


Faith is the substance of things hoped for
The evidence of things not seen
While abounding towards forevermore
Steadfast with hope that's bright and clean

Faith at the foundation is personal
There Christ can dwell inside the heart
It is the Gospel's first principle
Where roots are grounded for their start

We come in unity of our faith
To grow in knowledge of God's Son
Here we come to talk of Christ and pray
Oh, may our hearts sing out as one

With faith, we are made alive in Christ
And, we're no longer tossed about
May our voices ring to God on high
We have faith, of this there's no doubt

Listen to Learn

There's good counsel to receive instruction
So you're found wise and safe from destruction
Surley, we'll find wisdom from each neighbor,
Child, parent, leader, and from the Lord
Are we eager to listen, when in distress?
Or when there's trials we need to address?

When others express anguish, do we listen?
With both ears? Do we have to time fit them in?
When someone is in shock they speak openly
Do we interrupt and act most shockingly?
We can try to understand distressed feelings
Should we try ignoring them or pretending?

When young people are lonely or troubled
Their need for us to listen is now doubled
When they are behaving like a frenzied beast
That's when they seem to deserve favor the least
The wise listen to learn from children
Who in turn are wise- when obedient

The husband and wife listen best- together
Then they try to learn from one- another
Talking time is prime fro our love and commitment
For weed may choke out fruits requirement
When the garden is well cultivated
A marriage is proven and dedicated

When we listen, it promotes tolerance
We learn their true intent and sentiment
Even if their persuasions are diverse
We can be polite when ere we converse
We learn to listen and listen to learn
This too is how the spirit can discern

In our day the prophet is far reaching
And we must turn our ears to his teachings
He teaches us of how life is best enjoyed
Those who ignore will one day be destroyed
When we incline our ears, we listen
And we can see with our ears, the vision

We need to listen, to hearken, and obey
This is true when ere we read and when we pray
We feel inspired, we speak and then we wait
To understand the answer which comes by faith
We lend an ear unto counsel, with laws kept
Line upon line, we then hear Father's precepts

Come Hear and Understand

Come hear and understand the gospel
That is given to every people
Come learn of God and be of one
With every nation, kindred and tongue

We've potential for exaltation
We must work out our salvation
Through faith in Christ and repentance
We are baptized- as an ordinance

As individuals we must perceive
What covenants we make and receive
When we're given the Holy Ghost
We comprehend what we need the most

For the highest state of happiness
We'll focus on what acts in us
Then progress to our family
As the home is love's laboratory

Who's our guide to love one another?
He is our Elder Brother!
There's patience and kind service
As we walk in truth and soberness

For the increase of love desired
Oft a rebuke is required
May this lead t'wards eternal life
While learning from overcoming strife

We've each responsibility
We've each accountability
As lawful heirs sealings extend
Let's endure with love that never ends

"In God's eternal plan, salvation is
an individual matter;
Exaltation is a family matter"

Salvation and Exaltation

O Be Wise

“Oh be wise, what can I say more.”
Wrote Jacob, to meekly implore.
A prophet thus speaks from the dust.
His wisdom, from God, we can trust.
He'd sincere energy of soul.
Each man, too, may magnify his role.
We can serve both wisely and well.
When we do, it's easy to tell,
For we'll know their hopes and their dreams.
This is not as hard as it seems.

Oh be wise, I say to myself.
I must take the book off the shelf.
When I read of the prophets plea.
I know I feel the urgency.
Self-compelled I know what to do.
Simply put, I should follow through.
Innovate, through inspiration.
Contemplate, through meditation.
It's our chance to serve and to grow.
Stewardships are made to be so.

A crucial component of life
Comes at the doors of death
When we've lost a husband or wife
We're lonely and bereft
The separation evokes pangs
Of loneliness and shock
Where this heavy door hangs
There's an unbearable clock

The younger the greater the grief
They're seen as a victim
The tragedy's beyond belief
The loved one's far stricken
Yet, even when the infirm are called
Though it gives them relief
In some way they had stalled
And their last good-bye seems brief

The deepest expression of love
Is to mourn for those lost
We've divine command from above
To weep when there's a loss
The only way to avoid tears
Is to remove the love
Oh, the reunion with our dears
When we return home above!

God's our primary directive
Woe to them not handling
When we've eternal perspective
We've peace past understanding
Life does not begin with our birth
Nor does it end with death
Prior to birth we had worth
We can go on without breath!

As seedlings of God while on the earth
We were born to die then live
From blossoms to flowers of worth
We've a journey with motive
To everything there's a season
A time, and a purpose
With numbers too scarce to reason
Daily vasts return through purchase

We pass through- not around deaths doors
On a returning trip
To live with the Father once more
Though trials we would to skip
Deaths essential to happiness
And there's life beyond the veil
If we could just peek and witness-
How we'd prepare there to dwell!

For, this much we know within
The real sting of death is sin
As the spirit's mortified
From God, separate, denied
Opportunity gone
As we see clearly each wrong
In our sins, we'll not be saved
To repent, we're redeemed- waived

The twilight of life is long
It's difficult to be strong
We must endure physically
And learn to cope spiritually
we've a divine injunction
To endure till there's no function
With heavy hardships we lean
But, with them much can be gleaned

We must endure our trials
And suffer long with kind smiles
We'll pattern after the Lord
Through suffering, He loved, adored
And after tribulation
We're promised blessing's station
Our life is temporary
Then there's extraordinary

Returned to God and His home
Where a state of rest is known
This is temporary still
According to Father's will
The grave must deliver up
The body and spirit cuff
To become a living soul
Immortal in its new role

Our bodies will be perfect
As they're no longer subject
With eternal laws employed
These bodies can't be destroyed
Then comes the day of our Lord
Where our judgment is offered
There we'll be judged of our works
Presided by Christ and not clerks

Those who've almost to death crashed
Report seeing their whole life flashed
Having a rapid recall
They saw good and bad- It all
There's a sense of returning
And of a bright light burning
Some have seen their ancestors
But, their time was not answered

They live to tell us of peace
We know that life will increase
This is our time to prepare
We can bless others with care
Be generous and give thanks
And seal unto family ranks
With loved ones close to enjoy
Death's door will be sweet with joy

When our departure's at hand
May the veil of death be thin
As loved ones on both sides stand
There's comfort to journey in
Death does not hold one hostage
But, it comes eventually
When we've reached our time full-fledged
Then we slip away ever gently

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