
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Poems based on Elder Bednar's talks

Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

During His three day ministry
Our Savior of the world
Called and authorized disciples
in His doctrines they were schooled
He healed the sick, and blessed children
as He prayed for His people
He then succinctly summarized
principles of His gospel

“Unto Me, come,” the Savior taught
Come and make sacred covenants
And, renunciate all your sins
unto baptismal ord'nance
In His own time and His own way
and according to His will
We can come to know Him,
as those in the land of Bountiful

Once repentant, we are baptized
our hearts turn towards our God
And the Holy Ghost prepares us
to stand Holy without spot
Through Christ's merits, mercy and grace
our commitment does not drift
He's our Light, which does guide us
our faith in Him, His gift

There is purpose in our journey
we walk in newness of life
When we yield our hearts unto God
we obtain the mind of Christ
Where once carnal, we're cleansed and healed
As with fire we're refined
And the Holy Ghost sanctifies
and the soul is purified

When we've no more disposition
to do that which is evil-
Our hands are clean and we reach out
We become His Disciple
We should avoid and overcome
And, repent, be cleansed from sin
The Lord helps us do and be good
and change our hearts from within

With clean hands and with a pure heart
We ascend unto the hills
Where the sick and poor are now fed
And there's faith, which God instills
May we offer our Lord pure hearts
with clean hands as we were meant
May we apply the atonement
And, do as we are now sent

He raised the dead
He healed the sick
He cleansed leprosy
He knows my heart
He knows my hands
And, I know He loves me

We Must Be Born Again

May we sing to thee, Thy spiritually reborn?
Prepared and immersed, bless us and adorn
We want to be more transparently clean
Baptism transformed us to a new sheen

We want to show faith, and make use of priesthood
Till saturated, continually good
Blessed as new creatures, from this mighty change
Help thoughts and desires be pure, rearranged

May we absorb truths, keep covenants that protect
Seek line upon line, precept on precept
Help us stay renewed, with motives refined
Imperceptibly, more with Thee aligned

May might mind and strength, help us take on Christ’s name
When we do much good, we're never the same
Complete burial, total immersion
When we are reborn, it's by conversion

We speak from the soul with renewed energy
To all in the land, the bond and the free
Culminate our steps to change and transform
Born to preach of Christ, we'll cry and forewarn

Dear Father shed forth to all who now are true
More gratitude for the Holy Ghost, too
Help us feel it warn, when we are amiss
We want to stay clean and sealed with promise

Steadfast and Immovable,
Always Abounding in Good Works

-Built upon the Master- As our foundation

What does it mean to be steadfast and immovable?
That I stand firmly Christ-like and unalterable;
Though mocks and scorns of the world call out to confuse me,
I'll defend virtue, integrity, and chastity.

As Captain Moroni's stripling warrior, I will fight
To maintain my worthiness. I will stand for the right.
My foundation is built on the Lord- Here I stand.
Though mighty whirlwinds blow- There is safety at hand.

I know for myself- I am firm and steadfast- I am free.
As I ponder and follow in faith- God speaks to me.
I'll progress and prepare- one drop of oil at a time.
To refuel my lamp, I will study, pray, and be kind.

I can become consistent in my preparation.
For the best fruit, I will declare my dedication.
My gospel roots can sink deep when they are well nourished.
With steady drops of living water, I will flourish.

Seek Learning By Faith

As we look forward and anticipate
An ever confused and turbulent time
It becomes essential to seek learning by faith
Where there is spiritual strength and direction in life
And protection in the knowledge we obtain

Learning by faith opens the pathway into the heart
Hoping for things which are not seen but are true
All that the teacher spiritually prepared to impart
To demonstrate, persuade and testify anew
Through the Holy Ghost, if we will but do our part

Faith in action enables us to press forward
Assured that we've found the correct understanding
Though we're uncertain and where we are going is hard
We step into darkness from the light where we're standing
Which provides evidence of faith and we coil upward

In God's grand division of all His creations
They're things to act and things to be acted upon
We have been blessed with the power to be agents
The Lord safeguards us from Lucifer's rebellion
And, thus we learn to be morally obedient

When we're receptive our learning is not passive
We become actors and doers of the word
Our pondering invites learning in the process
The Holy Ghost whispers truth of what is heard
And from faith's pathway to the heart- there's a witness

In Joseph's time ministers told him what to do
In the midst of this war of word and tumult of thought
He went to a grove to pray of which church spoke the truth
He sought learning by faith, he wanted to be taught
Through faith, the Word of God spoke to him in his youth

To answer a deep question, no matter what it is
The Holy Ghost is a teacher from the Father
As a member of the Godhead it witnesses
And can enter into the heart of the learner
It is a sacred Gift, if we've faith it blesses

In 2005, we were invited to grow
To read the Book of Mormon, in a matter of months
To act and not be acted upon, while here below
The world is trouble, what is it one really wants?
The faith to step in the dark, and trust where to go

Because We Have Them Before Our Eyes

Because we have them before our eyes
We'll learn to hear His voice in the word
A written recording for our time
Is felt in our heart. Where it is heard
For new impressions, to brighten our mind

It takes a life time to come unto Christ
For all that we learn, know and do
Is developed and deepened in kind
As we press forward and learn all anew
For each can feast on the truths there to find

To those who'll hear, He calls "follow me"
As His door is opened unto us
Imagine the things then we will see
Reverent reflecting, one cannot rush
when we record our thoughts, more there will be!

-Elder Bednar

The Spiritual Gift of Being Quick to Observe

A message is heard.
It leaves an impact.
It wasn't a word.
Or even a fact.
What made us discern?
Our spiritual ears?
Or observed concern
Mingled with tears?
As new resolve nears.

Without a reserve
We're set, we resolve.
“Be quick to observe,”
As care does evolve,
When we have felt moved.
We know we must leap.
It's time to be proved.
We've promptings to keep.
We are not lost sheep.

Through prayer we're given
Power to detect
What is from heaven,
What not to neglect.
Our growth we'll behold.
Where once was concealed,
Our good will unfold,
Spiritually revealed.
And, resolve is sealed.

- Elder Bednar

God's Tender Mercies

God’s tender mercies can be found
When emotions are tightly wound.
A special sign to show He cares
And He’s with us, our troubles He bares.
A favorite Hymn, words in a talk.
Witness to us in whose footsteps we walk.
We feel as though with God our spirit mingles
We are left in awe with loving tingles

Our thoughts provide a place to grow.
Where new enlightenment can flow.
Thus storing all our decisions,
We are grateful for those guided actions.
We ponder our life in our prayers.
Then we gain perspective from one who cares.
We feel as though with God our spirit mingles
We feel we are held by wings of eagles

The future holds great mysteries.
We’ve potential and destinies.
A noble lasting new-found birth.
We’ll have added glory beyond our worth.
In celestial mansions we’ll live.
Dwelling close to Him who’s Son He did give.
Then we’ll know that with God our spirit mingles
We’ll see we are surrounded by angels

-Elder Bednar

And Nothing Shall Offend Them

Through the strengthening power of the atonement
An offense is over-ruled. We triumph
We can live together with at-one-ment
If we petition in prayer for guidance

Keeping covenants requires dedication
And, of the many who've left their covenants
They are in need of our inspiration
We need prayer to open walls of offense

Why have they not been participating
In the blessings and programs of the church?
Ofttimes they're lifestyles are dissipating
And, grievances have turned them away hurt

These are some of the reasons some have cited:
Some felt excluded and without a friend.
Until some have moved or died
Some vow to not set foot in again

With commandments they struggled to live within
They avoided change and went another way
Do they remember the spirit given?
Do they remember what the scriptures say?

Where once they might have viewed us severely
We pray that they might feel of our concern
If we'd visit and ask them sincerely
Perhaps the spirit might help them return

One of the Lord's disciples has proclaimed
It is time to stop feeling offended
Each of us do things of which we're ashamed
It's time for the lost sheep to feel tended

All must act and not be acted upon
As free agents we can choose for our good
It is time to find the faith that we stand on
The Holy Ghost will witness how we should

Ask in Faith

May the Holy Ghost assist
As we consider meaningful prayer
For when we've faith, we'll enlist
All of heaven's blessing which lie there

An example of great faith
Was given to us by young Joseph
Who asked and did not abraid
When he read the first word- if

He believed the words of James
He wanted to know what should be done
With churches of many names
He could not decide on anyone

He went to a grove of trees
And sought prayer after much pondering
He humbly expressed his pleas
In him, there was nothing wavering

For faith without works is dead
If there's but one-way interaction
He knew on where his thoughts led
T'wards Jesus Christ and righteous action

We've increased capacity
As wells of knowledge flow and inspire
To live our lives spiritually
There's power in faith filled desire

A prayer of faith might include
A review of all we've been given
With thoughts based on gratitude
This is the way each prayer should begin

When we pray for missionaries
It also mean we pray to give aid
With faith we'll find who carries
A prepared heart with some questions laid

We pray too for the needy
For those who are sick and afflicted
May we do whate'er needs be
To show God's love is unrestricted

We've each known anxiety
We can turn to God and petition
When we fear propriety
And become stuck in hesitation

Prayers are consecrated work
Expressed to our Father in Heaven
Prayers of faith require effort
We're not finished when we say "amen"

As we follow this pattern
We are blessed to recognize and act
On the things that we discern
We can seek help to complete our pact

Sometimes prayers may be denied
For we'll not oft receive a witness
Until our faith has been tried
And we increase spiritual fitness

"Not my will, but Thine, be done"
Though hard it is to accept God's will
We can bear as did the Son
In faith, we've prayers of peace that are still

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