
Friday, January 18, 2008

Merry Christmas- Dear Latter-Day Saints

I greet you wherever you may be
As members of a church family
Tonight we pay homage to our Lord.
Born in a stable. Loved and adored.

He who'd been the creator of this earth.
Condescended to a humble birth.
And, thus we have the gift of Christmas.
This the greatest of all enigmas.

His life and death mean so very much.
He calls out to all to heal with His touch.
How grateful we of this church should feel.
We've the fullness, we of Israel.

We've a Latter-Day witness, He lives.
We are blessed with the comfort this gives.
On this glad night we'll lift our voices.
Till the heavens hear and too rejoices.

-President Hinckley

70–73, and James E. Faust,
Feb 2001, Gordon B. Hinckley,
Thomas S. Monson,
“First Presidency Christmas Devotional:
‘My Redeemer Lives’, ” Ensign

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