It is true there are wars and rumors of wars.
But, our hearts shall not fear, nor will we ignore
The reasons we have to rejoice and live for.
We've our Lord's atonement- we've forevermore.
And despite all of our downward tendencies,
We can have light and hope amidst challenges.
For, these too shall be but for experience.
Let's rejoice and sing songs - and depart not hence.
The gospels sweet message enlightens our mind.
Warms our heart, no matter what troubles we find.
Our eyes change and we leave old viewpoints behind.
Then we can focus on- being meek and kind.
Our Lord has divine power that lifts to new heights.
His grace is sufficient, He helps raise our sights.
When burdens are too great, He'll help make them light.
Let's turn to Him with all- our hearts, soul and might.
What is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?
It's good news, glad tidings, it is truth and light.
No other name given brings eternal life.
He declares in plainness - and our souls delight.
We've the first principles and we've ord'nances.
Our faith is unshaken, we'll prove we're steadfast.
We offer broken hearts, there's second chances.
We are as new creatures- we've divine guidance.
And what does it mean to endure to the end?
The straight and narrow path, takes us past hard bends.
And as we hang on tight, this command He sends:
From sunrise to sunrise- love your fellowmen.
Jesus Christ wants us to succeed in this life.
Though mountains shall depart, He is ever kind.
He'll help us be faithful, though there's sins and strife.
The Savior heals our hearts- and our wounds He binds.
-Elder Uchtdorf
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