
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Let Us Be More Prayerful

Let us be more prayerful.
To forget we are prideful.
For He knows what we’re feeling.
And He cares of our dealings.
We can pray in the name of the Son.
He and our Father are as though one.
May our thoughts be as one, as one.

No two prayers are the same
To forget is a sad shame.
For Christ atoned for one and all.
And hears all our prayers great and small.
We can pray in the name of the Son.
He and our Father are as though one.
May our thoughts be as one, as one.

We can pray to be led.
By the Spirit, we are fed,
With His love of unbound measure.
And with promptings that we will treasure.
We can pray in the name of the Son.
He and our Father are as though one.
May our thoughts be as one, as one

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