
Saturday, January 19, 2008

His Truth Can Lead Us

Our Savior’s teachings are in the scriptures.
He used parables to paint pictures.
His truths are as a living fountain.
A lit candle is on His mountain.
Covenants help us learn to feel that He’s near.
Temples have a balm that help our minds clear.
When our eyes see, and ears hear, we find.
Choice visions will come into our mind.

His truth can lead us
For His spirit, we do pray.
He’ll never leave us.
Pray we don’t go astray,
This day.

Let’s remember why we take the water and bread.
Our savior did redeem the dead.
With the sacrament souls are nourished.
We’re renewed, families are encouraged.
Line upon line, we’ve a course we can chart.
Then temptations strength will depart.
Regardless of what the circumstance.
There can be a light in our countenance.

His truth can lead us
For His spirit, we do pray.
He’ll never leave us.
Pray we don’t go astray,
This day.

When we’re searching for truth, the Son is the source.
He has a plan to keep us on course.
Charity helps our steps to become light.
For using heart strength and all our might.
We learn through Him that the Father is near.
When we say a heartfelt prayer we will hear
Loving words, and help for our stride to lengthen.
Till the day when we’ll rest in heaven.

His truth can lead us
For His spirit, we do pray.
He’ll never leave us.
Pray we don’t go astray,
This day.

We'll know eternal rest when prayers are answered.
With our souls restored and time conquered.
Gratefully, we’ll run to the Son to greet.
And with tears of joy we’ll wash His feet.
With trumpets and heavenly choir all around.
All tongues will confess each knee to the ground.
That "Jesus is the Christ and our Savior.
Whom we praise for His infinite favor."

His truth can lead us
For His spirit, we do pray.
He’ll never leave us.
Pray we don’t go astray,
This day.

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