
Saturday, January 19, 2008

The greatest pickup line ever made

The greatest pickup line ever made
His name was Big Jake and hers was Jade
He said, “I’ve been waiting for you all my life,
I’ve dreamt that you are to be my wife”

She asked of him a simple request
That their wedding day be the best

The greatest request ever made
Jade asked that they put off that blessed date
For her daddy had dreams for that great day
And he would want to give his little girl away

Too, Jade asked that their love wouldn’t fade
For of losing another... she was afraid

It was Big Jake’s best letter he wrote
Then, her daddy sent back this proud note:
Till I can give away your hand,
Please wear Momma’s old wedding band

But... Jade learned the very next day
That Daddy had given his life away

Then the greatest purchase he'd yet made....
The first of many for Big Jake to Jade
A small jade pendant strung upon a brass braid
Shaped in precision of a hand grenade

In memory of her daddy... and the lives he saved
For he’d tossed a handful unto a brigade

One day... in a cemetary between many graves
Their vows were made where her Daddy now lay
And side by side on that braided string
A piece of jade and Momma’s ring

Wedding guests please honor Daddy’s quest:
To give a needed hand with no regrets

This free and safe country Jade deserves
A man learns that who he love he serves
And this view is how love is preserved
From a man who served in the Air Force reserves

Daddy gave his life and Momma’s wedding band
When what he really wanted to give away Jade’s hand

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