
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Faith to Move Mountains

Faith is the wellspring of activity
To move a mountain despite gravity
From a simple grain of a small mustard seed,
We grow increased faith for what we most need.
May faith be as Israel’s cloud?
And lead us on our way.
May faith push away the doubt?
And strengthen day by day.

Faith, full of charity, on our Lord Jesus,
Helps us grow the founding roots of hope and trust.
And of the great cause of which we are a part,
We're blessed to be meek and lowly of heart.
May faith be as a warm candle
Bright with holy light?
May faith be warm to handle
To guide us in the night?

Our Prophet would hold on as does a trees last leaf
To give his people a clear strategy.
Built on God’s instruction, and if we have the faith.
He’ll bless us with strength to do as the Lord sayeth.
He’ll teach of Jesus Christ,
And of his light to guide.
He’ll lead us to a faith filled life
And see us through our time.

-President Hinckley

82–85, Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov 2006, “The Faith to Move Mountains, ” Liahona

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