
Friday, January 18, 2008

The Great Command

They sought to find in Him a flaw.
He would not deride or use a rod.
“Master”, they asked, “What is the great law?”
He replied, “ Thou shalt love thy God.”
Our Savior, they could not defraud.

I will love God, with all my heart,
With all my soul, with all my mind.
I'm known of Him, the Great Thou Art.
And, to self and man, I'll be kind.
Though men may despise, I'll be refined.

When one argues, contentions sway.
We know to be more unified.
This is the more excellent way.
As our Lord exemplified-
With charity all's dignified.

With the love of God, I am filled.
This is the measure of my soul.
With His love, my spirit is thrilled.
And, blessing others is my role.
In service, I will Him extol.

Eternal love lasts forever.
It is patient and forgiving.
To be Christ-like, we endeavor.
For He sees beyond each shortcoming.
Where we're glorious and becoming.

With Christ's image, we are transformed.
He shares our pain and we soften.
A heart once bitter is reformed.
With perspective, hates forgotten.
Thus, we feel His love more often.

Obedience is a delight.
Love frees us from the weight of pain.
We are vibrant and carry light.
We want all man to feel the same.
With the Lord we've so much to gain.

Unto the sick, we will minister.
To the hungry, we'll offer food.
When, the sacrament's administered
I'll remember beatitudes.
With these emblems, I am renewed.

Our Savior gives us tools to cope.
He gives water from which we draw.
His Light gives us reason to hope.
His love's for us, and we're in awe.
All things hang upon love's great law.

Our Father in heaven provides
Love infinite, eternal.
With this heart, we improve our lives.
He offers Christ- Love is not final-
Blood sealed- the greatest love of all.

Our Lord offers a gift that guides,
That, when we're righteous it teaches,
Inspires, comforts, and resides.
What behooves us, it beseeches!
From this gift, God's love soon far reaches.

-Elder Wirthlin

28–31, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Nov 2007,
“The Great Commandment, ” Liahona

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