
Friday, January 18, 2008

Four Guideposts

When everything is new
And you are put on the spot...
Breathe, your heart has not stopped.
You have no need to be blue
It is time to be you!

Face life's guideposts and think...
Reach a great conclusion.
Reflect- this is your mission.
It is not time to shrink.
Nor to let any goals sink.

Take a glance at the past,
Without dwelling too much.
Just long enough there to touch
On your 'thankful for' cast.
With gratitude, then hold fast!

With faith look heavenward
What's divine will fulfill.
Take a breath and be still.
Avoid quicksand found rearward.
Lean to your dreams and move onward.

There is more than just you,
Reach outward in service.
Discover your purpose
When, for someone you do...
Old fears depart, too!

Press forward, despite peers
Who tower with pressure
For permissive pleasure.
To harbors, a heart steers
Where safe moorings adhere.

-Elder Monson
BYU CES 2007

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